The Febs Congress 2025:
There are several offers to ease the costs of participation in the FEBS Congress 2025:
- Low young scientist registration fee: Researchers in academia up to their mid-30s (with some extensions possible) can benefit from an extra low fee.
- Low early-bird registration fee: This is one for anyone who is organized: register by 13 March 2025 (which is also the main abstract deadline) to enjoy the lowest Congress registration fees.
- FEBS YSF grants: The approximately 100 PhD students and postdocs selected for this special prelude to the Congress (see below) will receive FEBS YSF grants to cover registration and accommodation at the YSF and Congress, and most travel expenses. Application deadline: 12 December 2024.
- FEBS bursaries: This FEBS funding is to help early-career researchers from outside the host country participate in a FEBS Congress when presenting work. The bursaries will cover the early registration fee and make a significant contribution towards travel and accommodation. Application deadline: 13 March 2025.
- FEBS Congress Mathias Sprinzl scheme: This is a reduced registration fee scheme for scientists from certain economically disadvantaged FEBS countries. There are also some Sprinzl travel grants available. Application deadline: 30 January 2025.
- TBS (Turkish Biochemical Society) schemes: Support from the Congress host society TBS is in place to enable participants from Türkiye to benefit from reduced registration fees in order to experience this exciting event on their doorstep. In addition, TBS bursaries covering the early registration fee are available for early-career researchers from Türkiye presenting work at the event. Bursary application deadline: 13 March 2025.
The 33rd ATSB Congress – 2024, Sousse – Tunisia
The 33rd International Congress of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, El Mouradi PALCE 5* Hotel, Kantaoui- Sousse-Tunisia, 21 – 24 June, 2024.
List of oral communications and posters ATSB 2024
Book of Abstracts
Le Bureau exécutif de l’ATSB a le plaisir d’annoncer l’organisation du 33ème Congrès International des Sciences Biologiques et de Biotechnologie, qui se tiendra du 21 au 24 juin 2024 à Sousse -Tunisie: Hôtel El Mouradi PALCE 5* Kantaoui- Sousse.
The ATSB Executive Board is pleased to announce the organization of the 32nd International Congress of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, which will be held in Sousse Tunisia, 21-24 juin 2024 at the El Mouradi Palace Hotel Kantaoui
En partenariat le journal FEBS OpenBio, des prix de meilleurs posters seront attribués dans les sections suivantes: Molecular and cellular Biology; Biotechnology; Plant Physiology; Animal Biology
Les prix « meilleurs posters » donneront une reconnaissance internationale (certificat Febs OpenBio et photo du winner sur le site FebsPress) + la somme symbolique de 150 DT.
Febs events:
FEBS upcoming event deadlines
Congress 2024 Early registration and abstract submission application deadline 8th March 2024: registration
· FEBS Education and Training Conference registration is open:
Congrès ATSB 2023:
En partenariat le journal FEBS OpenBio, des prix de meilleurs posters seront attribués dans les sections suivantes:
Dans le cadre de son partenariat avec la FEBS, l’ATSB organise un webinaire international
intitulé : Considérations éducationnelles pour la formation (Educational considerations for
training) et ce le mercredi 07 Décembre de 12h30 à 17h30 (GMT +1).
En plus des interventions interactives assurées par des experts de la FEBS, un atelier sera
animé et dédié aux chercheurs en masters, Doctorats et post doc intitulé : « Comment élaborer
un bon cahier de laboratoire ».
A l‘issue de cet événement, des attestations de participation seront délivrées aux participants.
De plus, les chercheurs participant à l’atelier pourront bénéficier d’une attestation leur
permettant de justifier de l’octroi de crédits de leur parcours doctoral, auprès de leur école
doctorale respective. Pour cet évènement, les écoles Doctorales de la FSB, FST et de l’ISBM, et de l’Université de Jendouba se sont associées à l’ATSB.
Meeting ID: 869 6919 0827
Passcode: 415848
- The latest FEBS Newsletter, here:
- The latest issue of FEBS News, here:
- 2023 Young Scientists Forum (Tours, France 6 – 8 July) registration deadline is approaching on 8th December:
- 2023 Congress (Tours, France 8 – 12 July) registration is now open: